Construction Practice: Your Partners for Strategy & Solutions Now
Our Practice / Construction Practice: Your Partners for Strategy & Solutions Now
Partnering with the Jones Jones LLC Construction Practice will provide:
- A team skilled at identifying the common issues that can arise in construction claims who also work directly with the construction risk management teams to devise solutions to immediately impact claims.
- Experience in recognizing how a workers’ compensation claim can interact with any pre-existing general liability claims to best reduce the impact of these two claims on your organization.
- Access to a network of skilled attorneys with years of construction claim process experience who can guide you and your team through complicated litigation landscapes.

A Partner from the Beginning of the Claim
The attorneys of the Jones Jones LLC Construction Practice will be by your side from the initial stages of a project. Whether deciding how to handle the response to a workers’ compensation injury on-site or offering a roadmap for the critical period directly following an accident, Jones Jones LLC Construction Practice attorneys will help guide you. The decision to accept or to deny a claim and the litigation strategy needed for either path requires a deft, experienced approach. The team at Jones Jones LLC is ready to tackle these challenges with your best interests in mind.

A Partner Until the Final Stages of the Claim
Oftentimes with a construction claim, the case requires more than just a settlement before a workers’ compensation board. Attendance at mediations, negotiations for a global settlement and closing both the workers’ compensation case and the general liability case are critical. It is key to have the knowledge of lien and credit rights, as well as a deep understanding of how workers’ compensation claim costs are often both inflated and driven by the corresponding general liability claim. Working with a team that has completed countless global settlements and mediations over many decades is critical. At Jones Jones, we have seen and experienced nearly every challenge that can result in the settlement of a construction claim and we are well prepared to assist you in obtaining the best settlement on your claim.

A Partner for All of the Critical Stages
Construction claims have complex issues, such as multiple body part additions, psychological components, fraud and return to work litigation. Partnering with our Construction Practice team will open your claims up to oversight by the experienced and dedicated attorneys of the practice. Our team will have your back every step of the way.
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