On Friday, Nov. 17, the Manhattan office of Jones Jones LLC hosted its first annual Attorney Summit, gathering its extensive legal team to discuss trends, issues and extend the internal networking of the firm from the remote environment to more personal, in-person discussions.
“As the first of its kind, the Jones Jones LLC Attorney Summit was an exceptional success,” said Executive Partner Matthew Jones. “We had full support and participation from all levels of the organization, starting at the top.”
Senior Partner, Principle and third generation Jones family attorney Bill Jones spoke to open/close the event, which was packed with productive dialogue and insights. “We are already looking forward to what future meetings may have to hold,” he said.
The Jones Jones LLC Attorney Summit was designed to replace both online and water cooler meetings of the recent past, as well as the firm’s prior annual leadership meetings. Held at the Nexus Club of New York, this first annual meeting focused on insights and discussions on new legislative activity and case law, as well as provided a chance for both new and other long-time members of the firm to spend time face-to-face.
“The potential of the Jones Jones Attorney Summit is considerable and exciting for the future of the organization,” said Managing Partner Sarah Thomas. “Before the pandemic led us into a hybrid work structure, we held monthly leadership team meetings, but none of those meetings were as expansive and intentional. The Jones Jones Attorney Summit will allow us to bring together all Jones Jones attorneys from across New York and New Jersey to learn and plan for the future of the firm in a manner that simply cannot be duplicated in a virtual environment given the size of our team and the complexity of the industry issues we must address.”
Programming for the first ever attorney summit included insight into the history and core values of Jones Jones LLC, educational sessions on settlement, construction and case law, a panel discussion on claim reviews and more. The information packed summit was followed by a cocktail hour at Shelby Bar where attorneys had the opportunity to network and mingle.
“It was such a privilege to attend the first annual Jones Jones Attorney Summit,” said New Jersey Attorney Kristina Jones. “Each session held invaluable learnings on important industry topics, and I had the opportunity to connect with and learn from leadership who I do not have the opportunity to work with on a daily basis. The in-person factor brought an essential element to the event and enhanced it to the next level.”
For more information on Jones Jones LLC and the annual Attorney Summit, please visit https://jonesjonesllc.com/.