Meet Bill

Bill Jones
Senior Partner
Southwestern University School of Law,
Touro School of Law
Admitted: New York
Bill Jones comes from a long line of attorneys. His son Matthew, a graduate of Brooklyn Law School, will carry on the family tradition. In fact, his daughter, Kristina, received a scholarship to New York Law School and will become the 5th Jones attorney to join the firm. “Jones Jones was headed by my father beginning in 1947 when he took over the practice from my uncle John Jones, twenty years his senior” he says. “Another uncle on my mother’s side was Chief Judge of the New York Supreme Court.” That’s just to name a few. In the near future, the firm will be 100 years old with four generations of Jones’ at the helm.
As the firm’s principal, Bill oversees client relationships and the management and education of clients and employees, thoroughly enjoying the problem-solving aspects of the job. “For me, legal defense is like playing chess with my adversary; my goal is getting the best possible results for my clients.”
A long-time student of martial arts, Bill holds degrees in t’ai chi ch’uan, Lama Pai Kung Fu, and Goju Karate, a passion that he’s passed along to his son, a second-degree black belt, and to his daughter, a first-degree black belt. “These days, my success in the martial arts world is based upon proper energy use and strategy, and less so upon strength and stamina, which are for the young. I find that these skills transfer well to the courtroom,” he says.
“Litigation is the result of one side or both not knowing or accepting the true value of a claim. With knowledge comes the power to resolve conflicts in a way that is most advantageous to our clients, so I always strive to be the most knowledgeable person in the room.”
Bill’s dedication to building lasting relationships is evident in his personal as well as professional life. Married to his high school sweetheart, the two have been together for 41 years. Even his favorite pastime of hitting the links is shared with a group of friends that he’s known since college. “We hope to be golfing together for another 36 years,” he jokes.
Offering pro bono services to a number of non-profit entities throughout the region, Bill is especially proud of his role on the Board of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Charity, which provides for families of injured workers. The organization was named in honor of the deadliest industrial disaster in New York, which caused 146 garment workers to perish yet gave rise to legislation that vastly improved safety standards in factories.
The unique environment at Jones Jones is mentioned often by staff members when asked what they enjoy most about their work. “Bill is always open to new ideas and challenging the way things are done, especially if he believes it can be done better,” says one associate. “Most of all, he’s created a culture where everyone feels welcome, and is encouraged to succeed.”
Bill is past president of the Workers Compensation Bar Association, counsel to the New York Claim Association, and member of the Department of Insurance Task Forces in LWEC, No-Fault, and Loss Transfer where he serves as secretary. A recipient of The Wall Street Journal Award in Economics, he has also authored numerous articles in a variety of legal publications, most recently writing a book for the New York State Bar Association on Workers’ Compensation Law.
“With my daughter now going to law school and my son helping to manage the law firm, there’s a lot to be thankful for, but still a lot to accomplish. I’m working to create the most innovative law firm in the industry where all clients are connected through technology to help manage their own cases, therefore, becoming partners in our successes.”
This dream recently became a reality through the Jones Jones legal portal, which allows their clients to view their cases and participate in the defense through a real time mechanism.