Subrogation & Loss Transfer
You Get What You Paid Out Whenever Possible
Our subrogation department offers a comprehensive service package for loss transfer defense and recovery programs in addition to workers’ compensation third-party subrogation services. These are incredibly effective tools for our clients to mitigate their losses and maximize their recoveries for subrogatable payments.
Our Loss Transfer Defense and Recovery Program is two-tiered, combining attorney oversight AND experienced paralegal staff to reduce costs for our clients. Subrogation and loss transfer lawyers at our firm oversee all aspects of our subrogation program and have hands-on involvement in document and case review, arbitration hearing appearances, and reportage to our clients. Given the complex range of legal doctrines and obscure laws surrounding the field, finding a subrogation or loss transfer lawyer who’s tuned to every change in their industry is very, very difficult; we’ve managed to fill our ranks entirely with such talent.
- We are committed to client delight and our loss transfer and subrogation lawyers will tailor our process to conform to the unique needs and desires of each client
- We formulate creative solutions for our clients to maximize their recoveries and capitalize on their statutory rights
- If the claimant doesn’t sue an at-fault third party, we can sue on their behalf to ensure your money will be saved wherever possible.
- Every loss transfer or subrogation lawyer at Jones Jones is a Certified Arbitrator with Arbitration Forums, Inc
"Impossibilities recede as experience advances"
—Arthur Helps
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.
—Steve Jobs
Our primary goal is always to mitigate our client’s exposure to future damages through any means possible. We offer a full-service third-party subrogation program, which includes lien recoveries from claimants’ third-party settlements. There’s a reason for our superior practice offerings, from our lawyers to our leadership. Our Managing Partner, William S. Jones, currently sits as the Secretary of the Loss Transfer Committee of the New York State Department of Financial Services. You simply can’t find a higher caliber firm.
To learn more about our subrogation and loss transfer programs,