Major Win Alert: Jones Jones Associate Secures Disallowment in Assault Case
Jones Jones LLC congratulates Associate Kevin Moy and his team for successfully arguing before the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board that a controverted assault claim should be disallowed. In this 2023 case, the claimant alleged they were assaulted by their supervisor and injured their left shoulder. The claimant denied prior injuries, but received… Read More »
Major Win Alert: Jones Jones Associate Completes Successful Controverted Construction Case
Please join Jones Jones in congratulating Associate Kevin Moy and his team on their successful effort to disallow a controverted construction claim before the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board. In this case the claimant alleged they were working as a carpenter for the client’s insured when they injured their neck, back, right shoulder… Read More »
Major Win Alert: Jones Jones Associate and Team Complete Successful Appeal
Please join us in congratulating Jones Jones LLC Associate Kevin Moy and his team on completing a successful appeal before the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board. The claimant in this construction case incurred an injury to their left elbow in 2012 while pulling a heavy pipe. In 2022, the claimant was examined by… Read More »
Jones Jones Construction Practice: Guidance on NYS WC C-3 and employer identification
The Jones Jones construction team is pleased to share that to resolve confusion around Employee Claims (Form C-3) and reduce delays in cases where the identity of the proper employer or insurance payer is not immediately known, the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board (the Board) has created a new process to be used when… Read More »