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Increase in Proposed Decisions from The Board



Dear Valued Clients,


Jones Jones is aware that with the most recent updates from the New York Workers’ Compensation Board (the Board), including new employee/employer identification guidance, new claim conciliation procedures for additional sites of injury and consequential injuries, and expanded desk reviews for Section 32 waiver agreements, there will be an increase in proposed decisions from the Board.


What This Means for Insurers

Proposed decisions from the Board have the same weight as decisions from a Law Judge and must be thoroughly evaluated. After a proposed decision is investigated, action will oftentimes need to be taken. Such actions include, but are not limited to:

  • Review of a medical file
  • Request for testimony of the claimant or a lay witness
  • Request for cross-examination of a doctor
  • Objection to the board decision.

These actions, and others are necessary and important for ensuring you receive the best outcome possible, regardless of the proposed decision. Jones Jones intends to continue partnering with our clients to ensure they are properly supported in the wake of these changes.


Steps Jones Jones is Taking

A team of Jones Jones attorneys is prepared to review each proposed decision in detail and act on those that might impact a client’s case. Proposed decisions could influence an increase in body part establishment, prompt issue awards such as schedule loss of use, or even act as the catalyst to begin permanency litigation. At Jones Jones, we will do all we can to ensure there are no negative effects on your case due to proposed decisions.


Any client who receives a proposed decision from the Board should forward the file to where we will review the decision on your behalf and take appropriate measures. Our goal at Jones Jones is to strive toward excellence each day with you, our clients. For more information regarding recent updates from the Board, please visit our blog page. For any questions regarding these updates or if you have a proposed decision from the Board for review, please email
